
Japan will begin a new Imperial era. Crown Prince Naruhito will become emperor on May 1st, one day after Japanese Emperor Akihito leaves the position. The current era, known as “Heisei” under Emperor Akihito, has lasted 30 years. The new era is to be called “Reiwa,”or “pursuing harmony.” It was chosen from text in the Manyoshu, a collection of ancient Japanese poems dating back to the 8th century. After the announcement of the name, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his wishes that the new era would be “filled with hope.” In Tokyo, people watching giant screens cheered the announcement with applause. Acrowd flocked to a station for free special edition newspapers. The 85-year-old Akihito will become the first Japanese monarch to step down from the thrown. To honor the new era, a sake company offered a vintage bottle from the first year of the Heisei era (1989) to anyone who correctly guessed the new name. A Tokyo restaurant is also selling three kilogram wagyu beef burgers on gold-dusted buns for US $900 each. 日本迎接新年號。皇太子德仁將於5月1日即位,也就是現任天皇明仁4 月30日退位的隔一天。現任明仁天皇的年號是「平成」,持續了30 年,新年號為「令和」,意指「追求和諧」,取自日本八世紀的古詩集《萬葉集》。
新年號公布後,日本首相安倍晉三表達了他的願望,希望新時代「充滿希望」。在東京,民眾站在大型電視螢幕前,鼓掌歡迎新年號。還有大批群眾蜂擁到車站,瘋搶免費的號外報紙。 85歲的明仁將成為第一位生前退位的日本天皇。為了紀念新年號,一家清酒公司免費贈送平成元年(1989年)出廠的復古瓶,條件是猜對新年號的名稱。還有一家東京餐廳販售重達3 公斤的和牛漢堡,漢堡還撒上金粉,售價高達900美元。
日本5月 改朝換代