the question as to whether →→ whether (the question whether) 是否
there is no doubt but that →→ no doubt (doubtless) 無疑
used for fuel purposes →→ used for fuel 當作燃料
he is a man who →→ he 他
in a hasty manner →→ Hastily 迅速地
this is a subject which →→ this subject 這個主題
His story is a strange one →→ His story is strange 他的故事很不尋常
特別注意,the fact that 不管出現在何處都是冗詞,必須改寫:
owing to the fact that →→ since (because) 因為
in spite of the fact that →→ though (although) 儘管
call your attention to the fact that →→ remind you (notify you) 提醒你
I was unaware of the fact that →→ I was unaware that (did not know) 我不知道
the fact that he had not succeeded →→ his failure 他的失敗
the fact that I had arrived →→ my arrival 我的到來
Who is、which was 之輩通常也是冗詞。
(X) His brother, who is a member of the same firm.
(O) His brother, a member of the same firm. 和他在同一家公司上班的哥哥
(X) Trafalgar, which was Nelson’s last battle.
(O) Trafalgar, Nelson’s last battle. 尼爾森打的最後一場仗——特拉法加海戰
肯定敘述比否定來得簡潔;主動語態比被動來得簡潔,原則 11 和 12 中的許多例子能為本原則佐證。
(錯誤的寫法)Macbeth was very ambitious. This led him to wish to become king of Scotland. The witches told him that this wish of his would come true. The king of Scotland at this time was Duncan. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murdered Duncan. He was thus enabled to succeed Duncan as king. (51 words.)
(建議的寫法)Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth achieved his ambition and realized the prediction of the witches by murdering Duncan and becoming king of Scotland in his place. (26 words.)
(X)Wordsworth, in the fifth book of The Excursion, gives a minute description of this church.
(O)In the fifth book of The Excursion, Wordsworth gives a minute description of this church.
(X)Cast iron, when treated in a Bessemer converter, is changed into steel.
(O)By treatment in a Bessemer converter, cast iron is changed into steel.
如上述兩個例子,在主詞和主要動詞之間插入的子句或片語破壞了句子的自然語序。不過兩者之間若加入關係子句或同位語並不會違反這項原則。刻意中斷句子來吊讀者胃口的掉尾句 (periodic sentence) 亦不受此原則的限制。
(X)There was a look in his eye that boded mischief.
(O)In his eye was a look that boded mischief. 他露出使壞的眼神。
(X)He wrote three articles about his adventures in Spain, which were published in Harper’s Magazine.
(O)He published in Harper’s Magazine three articles about his adventures in Spain.

(X)This is a portrait of Benjamin Harrison, grandson of William Henry Harrison, who became President in 1889.
(O)This is a portrait of Benjamin Harrison, grandson of William Henry Harrison. He became President in 1889.
這是威廉.亨利.哈里遜的孫子——班傑明.哈里遜的肖像,他在 1889 年成為了總統。
The Superintendent of the Chicago Division, who
(X)The grandson of William Henry Harrison, who
(O)William Henry Harrison’s grandson, who 威廉.亨利.哈里遜的孫子,他……
(X)A proposal to amend the Sherman Act, which has been variously judged.
(O)A proposal, which has been variously judged, to amend the Sherman Act.
(O)A proposal to amend the much-debated Sherman Act. 一項修訂謝爾曼法案的提案,目前毀譽參半。
The Duke of York, his brother, who was regarded with hostility by the Whigs
(X)All the members were not present.
(O)Not all the members were present. 並非全員出席。
(X)He only found two mistakes.
(O)He found only two mistakes. 他只找到兩處錯誤。
(X)Major R. E. Joyce will give a lecture on Tuesday evening in Bailey Hall, to which the public is invited, on "My Experiences in Mesopotamia" at eight P. M.
(O)On Tuesday evening at eight P. M., Major R. E. Joyce will give in Bailey Hall a lecture on "My Experiences in Mesopotamia." The public is invited.